Fire fighting system Fire Hydrant


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Fire fighting system Fire  Hydrant

Fire  Hydrant

UL / FM / AWWA Fire Hydrant 

The  UL / FM  AWWA  FIRE HYDRANT  is manufactured in strict accordance with AWWA C502 Standard. Ductile-Iron Upper Barrel, Lower Barrel, and Hydrant Base (Shoe) are Standard. 5.25” Main Valve Opening (MVO), (1) 4.5” Pumper Nozzle, (2) 2.5” Hose Nozzles (NHT Thread) are Standard. Other nozzle sizes, quantities, and configurations available. “Storz” nozzle connections available on all models. Break away safety flange design is Standard. Available with Flanged or Mechanical Joint Shoe. Hydrants have E-Coat Primer, Polyurethane Enamel (Safety Red or Safety Yellow) Coating as Standard

Available with Monitor Flange Attachment Elbow

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