Fire fighting system OS&Y Valves
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OS&Y Valves
UL / FM OS&Y Resilient Seated Gate Valves / 2" - 12 " saize
UL / FM (including UL-Canada) at 300 psi. these UL / FM Resilient seated OS&Y Gata Valve are manufactured to American Waterworks Standard AWWA C515-15. Stainless Steel Stem and Bolting is standard. Fusion Bonded Epoxy Coated Interior and Exterior to AWWA C550 Standard. Available in Flange x Flange, Flange x Groove, and Groove x Groove End Configurations. NSF-61 Certified for use in Drinking Water Systems. NSF-372 Certified as Lead-Free
UL / FM OS&Y Resilient Seated Gate Valves / 14" - 24" saize
UL / FM Large diameter OS&Y Resilient seated agAT Valve . All sizes through 24” are UL Listed and FM Approved at the highest rated pressure in the industry. Manufactured to AWWA C515-15 Standard. Stainless Steel Stem and Bolting is standard. Fusion Bonded Epoxy Coated Interior and Exterior to AWWA C550 Standard. NSF-61 Certified for use in Drinking Water Systems. NSF-372 Certified as Lead-Free
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