Gas fuse
Returnجهت مشاهده قیمت محصول لطفا شماره موبايل خود را وارد نماييد
جهت خرید لطفا شماره موبايل خود را وارد نماييد
Gas fuse
Install 1 / 4psi gas fuses for residential and commercial and public buildings
This section is located in the gas flow path and mechanically prevents the passage of an unusual gas flow
Abnormal flow from accidents such as floods, earthquakes, debris and deliberate destruction, war, bombardment and negligence of children and the elderly that can cause pipe and gas connections to break
Excess Flow Valves
Stop the uncontrolled release of system media when a downstream line ruptures
- Reset automatically when pressure is restored
- Reduce maintenance time
- Eliminate the need for complex bypass mechanisms
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